Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Mushroom soup....

Is what I made for tea tonight,
Its been sooooo cold all day I really needed a nice warm bowl of something to warm me up abit
I did plan to make it yesterday but never had time (Not enough hours in the day at the mo!)
Anyway ...finally got around to making it today & thought I would share the recipe.


400g Mushrooms
1 Onion
1tbsp Butter/Margarine
pinch dried basil (Optional)
450ml Vegetable stock
450ml Milk
1tbsp Plain flour
Salt & Pepper

 Chop mushrooms and onion thinly

 Melt butter in a heavy based saucepan & add onion, fry for 1-2 mins stirring frequently

Add chopped mushrooms, stir and put lid on to allow them to sweat for 5mins stirring occasionally

Whilst the mushrooms are sweating mix a Veg stock cube with 450ml boiling water

 Stir the flour into the mushrooms and cook for 1min
Add the stock, stir and then add the Milk add salt, pepper & Basil, bring to the boil                                

Leave to simmer for 10 mins

 Allow the soup to cool slightly then pour into blender and blitz till smooth.

Serve with a warm roll... x

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Its been a while.. x

Hellloooo ..

Cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted on here...How time flies!
Not alot has been happening in our Household.. We had a terrible festive period due to us all coming down with the flu 3 days before Xmas day!! Sooo glad I didn't go mad with buying food as it would have been wasted as we just weren't eating Jack has been of school all last week due to Chicken pox!! So not really managed to get a great deal done I was hoping to sort all the loft out (New year and good clean out and all that...) but NO.. Never mind at least his on the mend and should be going back to school next week
Hubby has decided to get in to the world of Bee keeping ... Which means.. Honey on tap!.. Oooh I'm soooo excited! hopefully he should be able to make a few pennies out of it too!
I'm still trying hard to save money as and when I can although with prices rising etc it is very difficult BUT in a funny kind of way I am enjoying it! I love bargain hunting in the reduced aisle of the supermarket every night because I cannot afford full price.. I nipped into Tesco yesterday afternoon and picked up a few bargains  and today was the challenge to see how many meals I could get out of the yellow labelled goodies......Thought I would share a few pictures...

So this along with a few fridge items that needed to be used up was what I had to work with.

Thought I would start on the Tomato's first, chopped in half, added some pepper, garlic & a drizzle of Olive oil, then these were ready to roast.

30min later... Mmmmm the smell was divine!

All blitzed up and made into a pasta sauce ready to be potted up and froze

Then I turned my attention to the chopped pork, Hubby loves stew so thought I would treat him :)

Meat, veg & stock all added now time to switch it on.

                               Celeriac gratin, made with 1 celeriac  a300ml tub of cream &150ml milk

                                            Very naughty but Ooooh sooo nice ;)

            Next was cooked pork I had in the fridge from Wednesday's tea, ideal Mid-week curry

                                 Waiting to go in the oven to be slow cooked and thickened up

                 Next I used half the pack of Beef, some mushroom and beef stock and made the filling for a pie.

                            All ready for its yummy shortcrust blanket to be made and put on.

                                                           Celeriac & Celery soup

I also made a Beef Casserole and a pork, mushroom and cider pie... sorry about no pictures.. Totally forgot!

Taaaaaaaaaaa Darrrrrrrr

Pretty damn chuffed with myself as I managed to make 
1 pork & Mushroom pie
1 Beef and mushroom pie
1pork & Veg stew (2 dinners)
a Celeriac gratin (2 dinners)
1 Pork & Mushroom curry
1 Celeriac & celery soup (1 dinner & 1 lunch)
1 beef casserole
1 tub of tomato pasta sauce
 a portion of Mashed swede to go with tomorrows dinner...all for under £4

Still got some Mushrooms left in the fridge so tomorrow I shall be doing a Mushroom soup

So after that mammoth cooking session the meals have all been added to my already fully stocked freezer 
From Tuesday Next week I have set myself a target of £10 to live on for the week this will be used for buying fresh fruit, veg, bread and milk, so I will be relying on my freezer to feed us for the next couple of weeks.

Its soooo cold tonight we have decided to camp out in the living room, it saves putting the heating on to warm the top of the house up.. so going to get my Jim jams on and snuggle up with my darling hubby...  :0) x