Saturday, 5 November 2011

New additions to my collections & makes from the last week

 Found lots of tissue paper in loft the other day and didn't want to sling it out so I put my thinking cap on so with an empty jam jar a leaf off the garden tree and some glue both myself and Jack came up with this..
It looks lovely at night when it has a lit tealight in it... I'm already planning making some with a christmassy theme...

After watching an episode of Kirsties homemade.. I decided to have a go at one of the paper animals she made for a craft fair, I thought  a bird would be the easiest to have a go at...It took 3 + hours and its a bit rough here and there but I'm really pleased with it...Just got to finish his beak

My cute, cupcake, icecream and sweetie lights, which I bought for a grand sum of £2.50!
I bought 2 sets intending to put them in a large glass goldfish bowl when I eventually find one! for now one set will do up at my window and the other draped over the shelf

Along with Metal detecting & fishing my hubbies other hobby is bottle digging (Digging old tips out ) he has not been active the last few years with him suffering with his joints but just recently he went back to an old tip site to have a mooch about and came back with these little beauties for me...

This is my favourite a 1920's boots medicine bottle...

A vintage hot water bottle,  can just imagine someone tootsies on this on a cold winters night...

Now I'm off to have a read of these.....

With a nice cup of this...

Then I'm going to make some Tree decorations with Jack out of salt dough.. (will add pictures tomorrow)...x

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